Suite 119 Vincent Pallotti Hospital, Alexandra Road, Pinelands, 7405

Opening Hours : Mon - Fri - 7:30 to 5:00pm
  Contact : 021 531 5395 or 083 234 6078

If you have any questions about our practice or treatments, we hope you can find the answers you are looking for below. If not, please don’t hesitate to send us an email or give us a call.

How many treatments will I need

This depends on many factors, as all patients are individuals and may vary even though 2 individuals may have the same condition. Following your assessment, the physiotherapist will discuss the anticipated number of treatments. From experience the number of treatment session required is usually 3 -4, this however is often dependent on many factors such as severity and duration of the symptoms or problem.

You will be re-assessed on each visit and if progress plateaus or no improvement is seen then this will be discussed and your treatment altered accordingly. If necessary, referral to a specialist will be discussed and may be arranged.

What are the charges for Physiotherapy treatment

The Practice charges the Medical Fund tariff that you belong to if your plan covers Physiotherapy. Please check with your Medical Fund if you are unsure and if this is a concern for you.

Is there a waiting list

No. An appointment will usually be available within 24-48 hours, though more often that not you can be seen on the day by one of the Physios. Appointments for Rob or Kim will often need to be booked 1 – 2 days in advance.

What are your opening times

We are open from 07:30 – 18:00 Monday to Fridays. Rob consults 07:30 – 16:30 Mondays to Fridays. Kim consults 08:30 – 13h00 Monday to Friday. The last outpatient appointment available will be 17h30 with whomever is covering the later shift.

Do I need a referral

As Physiotherapists are first line practitioners in South Africa a referral is not necessary to make an appointment, though if you have one please bring it with you so that the Physiotherapist can communicate with the referring Practitioner if required.

How long are appointments

Initial appointments last for 30 to 40 minutes; follow up appointments are 30 minutes. Longer follow up appointments, which are required to address multiple issues, are available on request or arranged in discussion with the Physiotherapist. It is advised that you arrive ±20minutes before your first appointment time to enable completion of any forms that may be required (eg Medical fund details, Consent form).

What should I wear

Ideally, wear loose, comfortable clothing. For neck problems the physiotherapist may require you to remove your top, decorum will be preserved by supplying a clean hospital-type gown. For back and hip complaints the physio is likely to want to see the part in question so you may be asked to remove your trousers. Shorts will be provided, or you may wish to bring your own.

Do I need to bring X-rays or medical notes with me

If you have any reports or x-rays/scans it would be helpful if you bring them with you to the appointment.

What can I expect on my first appointment

A thorough assessment will be undertaken, which will involve the Physiotherapist asking a number of questions about your area of concern, and fully examining the area(s) in question. The Physio will then aim, from the assessment, to provide a working diagnosis. A treatment plan will be formulated and potential outcome will be discussed, as well as likely duration and frequency of treatment.

Can I claim through my Medical Aid Fund

We have direct submission to most Medical Aids, please discuss your specific situation with Haily, Philma and Jillian, so please bring your Medical Aid card with you to the appointment and we can claim on your behalf at the time. You will be required only to pay any shortfall if there is one. This may vary between Medical Aids and will depend on your level of cover.

If you have any other questions, or seek further information about our service: Please contact Haily Johnson on 021 531 5395

What are your payment terms

Payment may be made after a series of consultations, either by credit card, electronic funds transfer (direct deposit), Snapscan, cash or cheque. Please discuss this with Haily Johnson (Accounts Administrator), Philma Wagenstroom or Jillian Smith. Please contact us for an up to date list of charges.

What Email Address should I supply

A personal or home email address is required for Account Statements, thus avoiding the non-delivery when one is out of office on business or holiday, or has moved Company.

Accounts / Statements

Accounts / Statements are sent to all patients on a monthly basis on or around the 20th of the month. We are working hard to remove the SA Postal services from the Accounts loop due to occasional non-receipt of statements.

What if I am not covered by a Medical Fund

If you do not have Medical Fund cover you will be charged a private rate. This will be the Medical Fund tariff plus 50%.  The fee charged will be discounted to the Medical Fund rate if settled within 30 days.